Head of School
Chris Kolovos is the Head of School at Boston University Academy. Since joining bbin娱乐平台 in the summer of 2020, 克里斯领导了学校的发展,旨在为优秀的学生服务,并建立在学校的传统优势:更加全球化, diverse humanities curriculum that puts the Western canon in conversation with other traditions; a new academic schedule with later starts and longer class periods; a faculty evaluation and professional growth program; creation of a Director of Equity and Inclusion role; a significant increase in the numbers of faculty of color; learning opportunities for bbin娱乐平台 students in departments and interdisciplinary centers at Boston University; emerging partnerships in the City of Boston; and a strategic vision guiding bbin娱乐平台’s path to 2030. 自2020年以来,申请人数急剧增加,这与克里斯确保所有特殊家庭的承诺相一致, curious, and capable students in the Boston area consider bbin娱乐平台 as an option. 在Chris任职期间,筹款的主要增长也导致了专业发展资金的显著扩张, renovations to all classroom spaces, 经济援助的增长——允许bbin娱乐平台录取所有符合条件的申请人,无论家庭的支付能力如何.
Prior to bbin娱乐平台, 克里斯在康涅狄格州的绿色农场学院担任了七年的副校长,负责监督学校的学术课程. 他在贝尔蒙特希尔学校开始了他的教学生涯,在那里他担任了九年的历史老师, department chair, and Director of Global Education.
A son of Greek immigrants, Chris grew up in the Boston suburbs. 作为第一代大学生,他先后就读于罗克斯伯里拉丁学校和哈佛学院. 后来,他在哈佛大学获得法律学位,同时担任《bbin集团》的协调编辑 Harvard Law Review. He lives outside of Boston with his wife Tracey, son Charlie, twin daughters Penny and Maggie, their dog Circe, and their cat Chester.
Associate Head of School
Greens Farms Academy
Westport, CT
Director of Global Education
History Department Chair
Belmont Hill School
Belmont, MA
Harvard Law School
JD, cum laude, 2003
Harvard College
AB, magna cum laude, 1998
Roxbury Latin School
Magna cum laude, 1994
Interview with Chris Kolovos
What drew you to bbin娱乐平台?
The values, the people, and the promise. 学校的价值观就是我的价值观:无可辩驳的高学术标准, the celebration of intellectual curiosity, an understanding that innovation and tradition go hand in hand, a commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, 还有一种深刻的信念,那就是当成年人在他们的生活中了解和爱他们时,学生才能最好地学习和成长 them. During my visits, I met students, faculty, staff, alums, parents, and administrators at BU and bbin娱乐平台 who live these values every day. 在和一群学生共进午餐的时候,我学到了我需要知道的BBIN集团官方网站文化的一切,他们不仅清晰地讨论了BBIN集团官方网站未来的想法, rigor, and passion, 但也花时间在谈话中尊重和照顾彼此. Plus, they were enjoying every minute! 未来有如此多的希望——利用所有这些优势的机会, including the connection with a world-class research university, 为后代的学生提供良好的服务,并在更广阔的市场上进一步建立这所伟大学校的声誉. I am so honored to have the chance to join the bbin娱乐平台 community.
Why are you an educator?
Independent schools changed my life. 我的父母都是从希腊移民过来的,在斯巴达外的一个小村庄长大. While neither attended college, they believed in the power of education. With their support, I found my way from public schools to Roxbury Latin, 是它打开了我的眼睛,为我打开了可能被关闭的大门. My parents’ sacrifice gave me the education they never had. 高中毕业时,我深信服务他人是过有意义生活的关键, and that conviction led me to a career in schools. I knew a long time ago that life in schools was for me, but, for years, I pursued careers in business and law, paths perhaps more typical for a son of immigrants. Sixteen years ago, 我离开了法律的轨道,回到了那个给了我很多的社区. I have never looked back. 我相信学校领导在塑造学校文化方面扮演着特殊的角色, expanding access, 确保可持续发展,这样我们的学校才能继续为后代的学生服务. That, to me, is a life well lived.
What do you love most about schools?
The students. 过去16年的每一天,他们都在提醒我,我做出了正确的职业选择. Even now, as my duties mainly revolve around leadership, I make time to teach one class, coach a soccer team, and make cameo appearances in musicals whenever the casts will have me! That engagement makes me a far better — and happier — leader.
What would you like bbin娱乐平台 families to know?
我们能够而且必须向家人承诺的是,我们会去了解和爱 their children. 研究和经验告诉我们,当年轻人感到安全和作为个体而为人所知时,他们学得最好. 家庭选择私立学校是因为他们看重学生和老师之间的亲密关系, 因为他们知道,我们的学校将确保每个学生都受到挑战,达到他或她的能力水平, and because we care about and nurture the whole person. 我最钦佩bbin娱乐平台的一点是,它每天都不负这些期望, largely due to this extraordinary faculty. And it is joyful work.
What does the future hold for bbin娱乐平台?
bbin娱乐平台 is poised to thrive in its next twenty-five years. It begins the next leg of its journey from a position of strength. It boasts a well-deserved reputation for academic excellence and stoking intellectual curiosity; a college list that many schools would envy; healthy and growing demand in admission; a dedicated and energized faculty and staff; and a wonderful sense of tradition. 也许bbin娱乐平台最大的区别在于它是世界一流研究型大学的一部分. bbin娱乐平台 offers the best of both worlds. It is a small, family-style, caring community of teachers and students, which also offers students access to everything BU has to offer, from robotics labs, to athletic facilities, to advanced classes, to thesis research with experts in their fields. 现在是巩固这些优势的时候了——以符合我们传统的方式进行创新, deepen connections to all that BU has to offer, 扩大访问范围,充分履行bbin集团-同时专注于我们的主要目标:为我们照顾的学生服务. 我期待着在波士顿地区和整个地区讲述这所学校令人信服的故事.
An Odyssey by Daniel Mendelsohn. 我一直很喜欢经典,它们在bbin娱乐平台的生活中也扮演着重要的角色. Mendelsohn, who is a classics scholar and professor, tells the story of his father auditing his course on The Odyssey, weaving his family’s story with an analysis of the epic poem. Beautiful, sometimes funny, sometimes sad, and always thoughtful.
What would you like to share about your family?
我和妻子特蕾西都在波士顿地区长大,分别在布鲁克林和戴德姆. 我们都致力于为年轻人服务:特雷西是一名儿童和青少年精神病学家, most recently, in an emergency room. We live with our young son, Charlie, and five-year-old rescue dog, Circe, who is named for the character in The Odyssey (with apologies to Game of Thrones fans for any confusion).
Further Reading
Reflection from Chris Kolovos – February 2020
Student Interview with Chris Kolovos – November 2019
Letter from Chris Kolovos to the bbin娱乐平台 Community – June 2019
波士顿大学教务长Jean Morrison宣布任命Chris Kolovos的备忘录
BU Today article about Chris Kolovos